Wednesday 11 July 2012

Ive just been referencing this on my google profile after stumbling upon the issue in a Louboutin feed. Whilst watching TV this morning I over heard a debate that is apparently in todays newspapers. I only caught the back end of it so I wasn't 100% sure what they were discussing, however I could figure it was with regards to people doing a DIY Louboutin style paint job on their everyday heels. The one section I need to complete on my blog is with regards to general information. One of the things I will be highlighting is that under no circumstances will I work on counterfeit items... People may think they're getting a bargain but for what they are the shoes certainly aren't worth the money. I have been fooled in the past and absolutely every last thing about counterfeit is just wrong! If you ever consider buying from my 'For sale' section you can rest assured that all items featured are guaranteed authentic. I'm also an active member of TPF so I aim to keep up to date with spotting these fraudsters new tricks! Anyway it may sound like I diverted slightly however my point is that I strongly disagree even with the painting of soles... After all Mr Louboutin managed to sue YSL regarding coloured soles so why should the general public feel its ok!? If people want the look save up for the real thing... Granted not everyone can afford it but imagine how you'd feel if you were the genius behind the legendary red soles. A lot of love, money & dedication has gone into building the empire into what it is today & there's already enough counterfeit companies out there damaging the industry, now theres going to be bodged paint jobs.. In my opinion it takes away from the luxury brand. I own a vast range of shoe brands & don't go running round painting all the soles red.. Those that do are blatantly trying to create a Louboutin style! This may be a little contoversial to post as my primary reason for my blog is my work, however Louboutin's are a massive part of what I do, not to mention one of my passions. Yes I work on a wide range of shoes but no one can take away my love for the 'official' red bottoms ;)

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